This remarkable technique is not only known for rejuvenating and skin-revitalizing effects, but also for its aid in reshaping waistlines.
Beyond the aesthetic perks, this massage significantly contributes to preventing issues that are related to our overall body health, muscles, and circulation.
The technique accelerates the natural flow of lymph, promoting the swift elimination of toxins and fluids from the lymphatic vessels in just a short amount of time, which is a process that would naturally take days to occur in the body!
Benefits of Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage by Josie Rushing
Promotes muscle relaxation:
Ideal for athletes aiming for peak performance, lymphatic drainage assists in the agile response of muscle fibers and their recovery.
Reduces cellulite and localized fat:
The massage is an effective treatment for reducing localized fat and cellulite, providing significant aethestic benefits to the skin during the massage session.
Combats edemas and enhances blood circulation:
By accelerating the natural process of toxin elimination, the technique facilitates blood circulation, eliminating swelling and retained fluid before it can become a more serious issue.
In addition to these benefits, the Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage by Josie Rushing is highly recommended for post-operative patients, aiding in the elimination of fluids from surgical interventions. The number of sessions may vary based upon a doctor’s diagnosis.