Austin, TX


Brazilian FACE Lymphatic Drainage

Unfortunately, our faces get swollen too. The Lymphatic Drainage (Face) moves the fluid in your facial lymphatic system and helps remove waste and toxins from the facial tissue, giving a better shape and appearance to your face.

Results: can be seen right away
Recovery time: none
Length of procedure: 30 minutes
Used for: Detoxification and Relaxation
Pain level: 0 out of 5
Lasts: 2-4 days if followed by a healthy lifestyle
Technique: manual
Contraindications: (will be discussed individually during your initial consultation)

Brazilian Non-Invasive FACE Lift

The Strongest, Most Contemporary Brazilian Technological Device, combined with the “Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage by Josie Rushing” technique.
THIS is Your Summer Treat, girl!
Choose one area of the face for the Device + A Full Face “Brazilian Lymphatic by Josie Rushing.”